Book an Appointment
Healthcare is the largest provider of family medicine in Guernsey. We have an experienced team of doctors, nurses, osteopaths and physiotherapists who offer a range of services designed to meet all of your family’s healthcare needs.
Appointments 8am to 6pm weekdays
You can be seen at whatever surgery is most convenient. Simply call the surgery of your choice.
Out-of-hours doctor's service
You can be seen by a doctor twenty-four hours a day.
There is a clinic at the St Martin’s surgery on Saturday mornings from 8.30 am to 12 noon. After 6 pm weekdays and from midday on Saturdays, the out-of-hours doctors are based at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and provide the on-call service. Please call the usual surgery number to make an appointment.
We can visit you at home if you cannot attend the surgery, but please try and contact us before 10am in the morning. It is important to let us know if your problem is urgent because it might be more appropriate for you to attend the hospital.